Wednesday 6 March 2013

What a week it has been in the clinic our 10 day programme has been on sale and it has been flying out of the door. Great news, we are hearing of amazing results 6kg in just 8 days!! Isn't that amazing.

Our recipe for today is

Fast Spanish Omlette - Not your traditional Spanish one but adapted for a healthy Low Carbohydrate lifestyle.

Ingredients for 3-4 servings

8-9 eggs
olive oil for frying
1 bunch Spring onions
2 cloves Garlic
Spinach fresh or frozen
2 large Tomatoes
1 tin Tuna in Olive oil
Oregano, chives and basil work really well but you can add any herbs you fancy or that you have in the garden.
Salt (preferably himalyan)and Pepper
Optional - 1 tin anchovies in olive oil
Plus any other cooked vegetables you fancy putting in.


Turn Grill onto high
Put heavy bottomed frying pan onto your hob and heat up gently
Chop up onions and garlic put into pan and stir
Chop up Tomatoes and add to the mix
If you are using Frozen spinach add in now and heat until defrosted
Then add in the rest of the ingredients except the eggs and herbs
Beat the eggs and herbs together and stir into pan
Keep stirring until it starts to set
Put under the grill until slightly brown
Remove and cool for a couple of minutes and serve or can be served cold (it is delicious)

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