Monday 11 March 2013

Weight Loss Tips! (Part 1)

Here are some tips which help lots of our clients to lose weight and Keep it off!

  • First of all you have to be ready to let go of the old you and ready for a new vibrant glowing person that is ready to come out of you. Ask yourself - what is the reason I am holding onto this extra baggage, is it serving me in some way? 
  • Pick a day to start, whatever programme you are going to go on you need to give yourself a day where you can begin your new life. (we of course would recommend you go on one of our wonderful programmes, but this isn't the only reason we are writing this! Our programmes are available from
  • Make sure your pantry is ready for the changes you will have to make, no matter what products may say, if you don't make lifestyle changes you cannot have long term results. This of course doesn't mean you can't have treats along the way, but "Nothing Changes if nothing Changes!"
  • Minerals a vital for well-being and weight loss so invest in good quality ones- we prefer liquid minerals as they are easier for the body to absorb. However we also recommend Transdermal Magnesium. Magnesium deficiency is reaching epidemic proportions and it impacts our bodies ability to lose excess fat. We have one that is designed for use in weight loss amongst many others in our range. If you don't have enough Magnesium your body will not be able to produce enough digestive enzymes to absorb all you put into it. So even if you take internal supplements you may not be absorbing them. By putting it on the skin you will absorb it straight into the blood stream then it will go to where it is needed. 
  • Do something you enjoy everyday, this is important that you have this as life is meant to be enjoyed. Have Me time, even if it is only 15 minutes in a day you will appreciate every moment of it. Either read a good book, go for a walk, or just sit with your feet up and a nice cup of tea - we recommend "white tea" and we will tell you why next time!
That's it for today, We hope you enjoy these tips we will be posting regularly tips that clients ask us for so please ask us any of your weight loss or general questions and we will answer either in our next blogg or in a personal email if you would prefer that. Our email address is

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