Thursday 28 February 2013

What a wonderful day it has been here in Kerikeri. The weather as well!As usual We are working as ever to improve our services and products. We are so lucky with what we do as a Job!!
We would really like some feedback as to what you would like from us on our Blog and Facebook pages. We are not marketing Wizzes nor are we internet Savvy we just want to provide you, with what you require from us, Natural Health Researchers and Practitioners. Would you like more information on Diet, Exercise, Chemicals, Viruses, Recipes, Products which re available and how well they work?
Please let us know either via this page or email us on

 A couple of photos of the shop/clinic  

Welcome to our day

It has been a busy week this week and so I haven't been online to blog but things will settle down now ( I have just moved back to our lovely house in Paihia (Bay of Islands, NZ for any of you not local)

From Next week I am going to be posting recipes for our Weight loss programmes and also for great health. Keep on coming back for more and more info

 I have been doing more research about Magnesium and the ways it can help our health and vitality. There are so many symptoms that can be caused by the lack of this wonderful nutrient. When I did my training on Nutrition Minerals were really second class citizens of the nutrient world where vitamins were king and the most important minerals were Calcium and zinc! They were the princes (and princesses) of the nutrients and all the other minerals were much further down the rankings, if they were talked about at all,  it was as an add on.
From now on I would call Magnesium the Emperor and as for the rest, well they need the Emperor to survive. I am sure many of our clients who have heard us wax lyrical about magnesium are sick of us going on and on and on about it, but the results we are having speak for themselves. In our recent Newsletter I put this :-

"I had a severe fall, slipped down a bank and fell on my back. I really thought I had broken it! After about an hour I  thought about using the magnesium oil which we had in the cupboard. I got my wife to massage it into my back and I felt instant pain relief. We repeated the massaging every 2 hours or so and the pain relief kept on working. So much so that I went fishing the next day. I am still repairing but that product is amazing" Simon C, Paihia, Northland, New Zealand.

The magnesium Simon used is Restore Magnesium Oil. We are consistently getting terrific feedback from all of our magnesium products which is great news for us. 
Magnesium is known to help many diverse symptoms and diseases. Below is a list of a few of them. 
  • Acid Reflux  
  • Adrenal Fatigue
  • Angina 
  • Anxiety
  • Panick attacks,
  • Blood clots 
  • Cystitis and bladder spasms
  • HIgh Blood Pressure
  • Depression Diabetes 
  • Syndrome x
  • Dysmenorrhea
  • Enclamsia
  • Fatique 
  • Fibromyalgia 
  • Headaches 
  • Heart disease 
  • IBS
  • Infertility 
  • Inflammation 
  • Kidney Stones 
  • Migraines
  • Musculoskeletal Conditions including - Fibrositis, Fibromyalgia, Any Kind of Muscle spasm in the body including Eye twitches, Cramps, Chronic (and acute as we have seen) Neck and back pain
  • Nerve problems including- Migranes, Muscle contractions, Gastrointestinal spasms, Calf, Foot and toe twitches
  • Vertigo
  • Confusion
  • Oesteoperosis 
  • PMS
You can see why we highly recommend our Magnesium oil. The great benefit about using it transdermally is that your body has an instant uptake which is why the relief is instantaneous.

I hope You can see why we make such a fuss about this wonderful Mineral. Please visit our website to see which Magnesium oil is for you. They are only $45NZand they last for approx 8 weeks.

Tuesday 12 February 2013

Want to find out why you aren't in optimum health!

We have a very special price on our Hair Analysis and this clip shows just a little as to what we do after we have received your hair sample. We normally charge $220 and that is great value as it includes a remedy, report and consultation on the phone. We are offering it for only $140 for a limited time.
To take us up on this very special price please go to

Sunday 10 February 2013

High Protein/Low Carb Biscuit Recipe

Here is a great recipe for High Protein - Low carb biscuits that are simple to make and are a great change to have with Tuna or dips.
This is a Phase 2 or Transformation Recipe

4 Heaped Dessert Spoons Plain Pea Protein Powder (We like the Clean, Lean Protein Powder available from and if you buy online you can give our code and you will get 15% discount!)
4 Dessert Spoons of Chia Seeds- Any sort will do, there are at least two different colours
Approximately 200mll of water
Spices, I really like cumin and coriander but you can try any flavour that you like
Himalayan Salt to taste - My favourite is the black Himalayan salt as it contains sulphur and adds a lot of nutritional benefits to the mix
Handful of Sunflower and/or pumpkin seeds
Optional 1/2 teaspoon of tamari soy sauce - beware of this as it can effect weight as it is a high allergen but it does add a great flavour.

(This is the protein Powder we recommend)

How To

Mix all the dry ingredients together in a bowel
Add water and stir well
Leave to stand for 15-20 minutes so that the water is absorbed and the mixture holds it's shape when put onto a baking sheet.
Heat Oven to about 180 Degrees
Put Wax paper onto baking sheet
Form into biscuit shapes making them quite flat

Cook until they pull off of the baking sheet (about 20 minutes)  If you require them very crunchy turn them over and cook for a further 5 minutes.

Serve with dips or for lunch with tuna and cucumber.

These are the chia seeds (they are tiny, slightly smaller than sesame seeds)

These Delicious biscuits are really lovely and when we have served them NONE get left over so we don't know how long they will keep for. But as they have no preservatives they probably won't keep too long. 

This wonderful clip tells you why we love to use Chia seeds in cooking and for eating

Thursday 7 February 2013

After our Newsletter went out yesterday we have had a few people taking us up on our very special offer of hair analysis  for ONLY $140  (regular price $220) this cost includes a full report which will give recommendations, a tailor made homeopathic remedy to help your body to deal with what ever came up for you, plus on-line support. This offer is only available until the 18th February 2013 so please have a look at our website to find out a little more here is the link The pictures below are two screen shots of hundreds that we look at when performing the test. The top one is a picture of the hypothalamus and the second is of the matrix of the pituitary gland.

This test can be used to help improve health or to keep you healthy and as prevention is much easier than cure why not give it a try. We can also test any Supplements you are taking to make sure you are absorbing and that your body needs them. This can make health a lot more cost effective. The usual cost of this test is $220. We are offering this at such a large discount because we want to help as many people as we can achieve their health goals. A saving of $80 but it could save a lot more!