Monday 28 January 2013

Reviresco : After the weekend we have decided to make changes ...

Reviresco : After the weekend we have decided to make changes ...: After the weekend we have decided to make changes at the clinic. We are thinking of taking our Natural Health Practitioners and going mobile...
After the weekend we have decided to make changes at the clinic. We are thinking of taking our Natural Health Practitioners and going mobile. This is an idea that is germinating at the present so if you would like to make a comment please let us know.  We believe we have a lot to offer with our many years of experience, our programmes and our wonderful Body scanning machines.

Our Etascan machine


More scan photos

We are also thinking of doing a "Ask the Practitioner" section either on a blog or on our website. Again we would love your input what would you our customer/potential customer like from us?  

Thursday 24 January 2013

What a beautiful day we have had up in the Bay Of Islands. With lots of wonderful clients who visit us either in person or via phone or email. We have learnt lots and will be updating over the weekend.
Please remember drink lots of water every day at least 2-3 litres depending on your activity. If you are doing a detox it is even more is important!! Plus you must make sure your bowels work at least once a day.

Wednesday 23 January 2013

Welcome to Reviresco -   "To grow young, To grow strong"

With our Programmes you can lose weight feel great and enjoy life more, on this site we are aiming to fill you in as to what we are up to on a regular basis. There are 3 of us on the team Karen, Ingrid and Jane and each of us will be blogging on our page. We are aiming to fill you in with what is new in Natural health world plus how our clients are doing on our Programmes, plus as we are a company that likes change we will let you know weekly what is new! Plus we will be putting in healthy recipes plus tips which can help you lead a healthier life.

Our Transdermal Magnesium oils 

Our clinic in Kerikeri Bay of Islands

     Our New Bowel Cleanse      

 Our 4 week Programme

P.S Our 4 week progrmme has  a Massive $100 off while stocks last see our NEW website